
# 陈永雄



1955 年出生于中国广州,1978 年考入广州市文化艺术中等专业学校,1980 作品也首次入选广东省青年画展。

1981 年移居美国西部,我被当地的自然美景深深吸引,从此以当地的文化和美景作为创作的灵感,我的作品多次参加美国的艺术展并获得多个奖项,作品被国内外私人,集团公司,政府机关,学院等收藏。

Wayne Chin

Born in Guangzhou, China in 1955, I was admitted to the Guangzhou Culture and Art Professional college in 1978, and my works were also selected for the first time in the Guangdong Youth Art Exhibition in 1980.

I immigrated to the western of the United States in 1981, and I was deeply attracted by the local natural beauty. Since then, I have used the local culture and beauty as inspiration for my creations. My works have participated in American art exhibitions for many times and won many awards. My works are collected by private, companies, government agencies, colleges and others.


■1 我在创作中致力于捕捉平凡的事物,用画笔记录着自然的美,并利用多种不同的材料和技巧来表达我的构思和创意。我相信即使是最普通的事物也蕴含着独特的美感和价值,我的目标是用艺术的方式来展现这些美感和价值。

In my creation, I committedted to capturing ordinary things, recording the beauty of nature with a brush, and using a variety of different materials and techniques to express my conception and creativity. I believe that even the most ordinary things contain unique beauty and value, and my goal is to express these beauty and values in an artistic way.

# 西北海角 水粉 2019 年


# 黄石公园 - 峡谷瀑布 油画 2013 年


# 小溪 油画 2020 年


# 西北农庄 水粉 2019 年


# 雪后 油画 2021 年


■2 我所追求的美并非是单一的,它可以是光线、颜色、动态和构思之间的组合,也可以是情感、思想和文化背景之间的结合。我希望我的画作可以通过传达这些复杂的情感和意义来启发观众,并让他们重新认识和欣赏平凡景物中的美,在大自然中汲取艺术灵感,我的主题包括人物肖像和风景。

The beauty I pursue is not singular, it can be a combination of light, color, movement and conception, or a combination of emotion, thought and cultural background. I hope my paintings can inspire audiences by conveying these complex emotions and meanings, and let them recognize and appreciate the beauty in ordinary scenes, and draw artistic inspiration from nature. My themes include portraits and landscapes.

# 力量 水彩 1991 年


# 车站 油画 1991 年


# 启航 水彩 1992 年


# 南希 油画 1989 年


■3 目前我是自由画家生活在美国,华盛顿州温哥市。

​ 我可以理解绘画艺术对人们的重要性和美学价值。绘画不仅可以记录历史、文化和个人经历,还可以传达情感、表达思想和观点。它可以是一种治疗方式,帮助人们减轻压力和焦虑,也可以是一种娱乐方式,提供创造性的乐趣和享受。

Currently I am a freelance artist living in Vancouver, Washington, USA.

I understand the importance and aesthetic value of painting art to people. Painting can not only record history, culture, and personal experiences but also convey emotions, express thoughts, and opinions. It can be a therapeutic way to help people relieve stress and anxiety, as well as a form of entertainment that provides creative enjoyment and pleasure.

# 西关小姐 油画 2018 年


街头音乐家 油画 1988 年


# 五月货运公司总裁 油画 1999 年


# 卡尔夫妇 油画 2022 年


■4 绘画的美学价值可以被欣赏和评估,但也应该被尊重和保护。从绘画的材料选择到绘画风格的创新,每个细节都是独特的。同时,我们也应该意识到不同文化和社会背景下的绘画风格和审美观点的多样性。

The aesthetic value of painting can be appreciated and evaluated, but it should also be respected and protected. From the selection of painting materials to the innovation of painting styles, every detail is unique. At the same time, we should also be aware of the diversity of painting styles and aesthetic views in different cultural and social backgrounds.

# 美国俄勒冈州最高法院:Panl De Muniz 大法官 油画 2012 年


# 美国联邦地区法院:Helen Frye 大法官 油画 1999 年


# 美国联邦第九巡回法院上诉法庭:Edward Leavy 大法官 油画 2001 年


# 波特兰教会大学:沃尔史密斯神父 油画 1989 年


# 美国联邦第九巡回法院:Susan Graber 大法官 油画 2008 年


# 美国联邦西雅图地方法院:Tallman 大法官 油画 2018 年


■5 最后,我希望能够鼓励更多的人去探索绘画艺术。即使你不是一个有天赋的艺术家,通过绘画可以提高观察力、创造力和审美能力。让我们一起欣赏、探索和创造美丽的绘画艺术吧!

Finally, I hope to encourage more people to explore the art of painting. Even if you are not a talented artist, painting can help improve observation, creativity, and aesthetic abilities. Let us!

# 我的一位朋友 油画 1988 年


# 小女孩 水彩画 1999 年


# 雕塑 石膏 1987 年


# 感言





Painting is a magical form of art that allows the artist to express their innermost emotions and thoughts through elements such as color, lines, and shapes. Throughout my journey in life, painting has always been a unique way of expression that allows me to feel the flow of freedom and creativity.

Each artwork is unique, with its own story and soul. When I see a beautiful painting, I am often deeply attracted and immersed in its wonderful world. And when I create my own artwork, I feel a surge of creativity that takes me into a state of artistic flow.

Painting is a highly personalized form of art. Everyone has their own unique style and way of expression, which makes paintings more vivid and interesting. Whether you want to express your inner emotions or showcase your imagination, painting is a great way to do so.

I believe that creativity is limitless, and painting is an art form that can be continuously explored and developed. I believe that painting can bring infinite joy and satisfaction, both in the creative process and in the appreciation of the artwork. Painting is a wonderful form of art that inspires me and brings me a sense of beauty and endless possibilities in life.





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